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Name: Babs Seed
Race: Earth
Job: Trickster (TRK)  
Sub-Job: None  
Weapon Type: Playing Cards  
Hometown: Hoofsburg  
Residence: Manehattan
Babs Seed is a rambunctious youth living her days in the city of Manehattan, not so far from the main capital city of Canterlot. She is one of many in the rather extended Apple family, and one of the members whom has little to do with farming or foodstuffs at all. The young earth pony may have a rather abrasive outer personality, but she is quite the sensitive soul. When she first met the her cousin Apple Bloom in Ponyville, she had no idea what to do. In her own confusion, she sought to try and assert her dominance to show how tough she was. It backfired spectacularly, and almost ended her relationship with her country folk cousin before it even began. However, Babs owned up to her own insecurities and apologized while explaining her actions. Apple Bloom and the two of her friends forgave her and made her a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Even though she lived far off in the city, she would always be an important member.
A couple of years had passed before they would make good on their bonds. While in the city, there were a few incidents involving Diamond dogs and jewel heists. Normally, the police would handle things, but the authorities felt that there was more to the case than met the eye. They asked for the aid of the the Warriors who were there for personal reasons. Since they were new to the city, the two teams of warriors needed a guide and Babs was their answer. Living in the city as a precocious youth has made her quite aware of the comings and goings of the streets. While she makes an honest amount of cash being true to her calling as a hairstylist, she can’t deny the call of getting even more in her pocket from the poor schlubs who can’t follow simple sleight of hand. In any case, she knows the alleys and underbelly enough to guide a few clueless ponies through the big city without having to worry. Even when push came to shove, she was able to fast talk her way out of trouble before her guests knew they were in danger.
For a Trickster, this is just another day in the life. As a Trickster, Babs uses her silver, accented tongue to talk her way around just about anything. For everything that she couldn’t handle, her abilities with throwing very sharp, yet light and accurate playing cards. If you get too close to her and allow her to just speak, her words will enchant you with various curses. She’s not magickal, but her words are so delicately chosen that most would feel what she’s cursing you with even if it wasn’t actually happening. She never formally learned the ways of the Trickster either, she picked up the wordsmithing from holding her own in the backstreets of Manehattan. The card abilities are just a byproduct of being a mistress of sleight of hand.
Crusader’s Cards - After learning her interest in cards, the Cutie Mark Crusaders sent her a personalized deck made from the heart. Apple Bloom is Hearts, Sweetie Belle is Diamonds, Scootaloo is Clubs and Babs herself is Spades.
Glasses of the Tricky - Shield Sunglasses used mostly by Tricksters and the like. They have a trendy white look to them that also masks any change in their eyes that could be a giveaway for a bluff. For Tricksters, maintaining control is the most important thing if they are to succeed in battle. Anything they can use to keep all the information (and thus power) in their pocket, they will.


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