“My Little Pony”, no matter what generation, even G4/“Friendship is Magic”, has always been for little girls. And bashing the past generations (especially G3-G3.5) for being apparently not action-filled enough, too boring, too girly, too UGLY will only make you look stupid. Hating the previous generations is COMPLETELY ALRIGHT, but actually EXPRESSING your hatred towards them for the named reasons isn’t. Saying “KILL IT WITH FRIENDSHIP”, “WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT”, “G3 RAINBOW DASH IS RETARDED, G4 FTW” and other stuff like that is dumb. You don’t have to love, but at least try to tolerate! If you don’t like past generations, why do you even bother posting negative comments on pictures and videos from/dedicated to them? Have some respect to those for who still enjoy the old “My Little Pony”!Pinkie Pie image from “My Little Pony: A Very Minty Christmas”Stamp template by AHMED-ART EDIT: thank you for the comments, both positive and negative (), but I’m no longer willing to talk on this subject.
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