Emerald asks why the Order of the Arrow are here. Surely they have better things to do than guard the humanitarian efforts of Ponycare.
“I’m not sure to be honest… They were just quite insistent on coming with us, and Ponycare was glad for the help.” Hope says, quite happy again.
Emerald asks if the ones named Bellator and Praelia are nice to foals. He rubs his cheeks unconsciously, still remembering the sting of Venator’s hoof.
“Um… I would think so? I guess I don’t really know. We didn’t really encounter any foals until we got here after all.” Hope replies.
While trying to collect his thoughts on the matter of the Order of the Arrow, Emerald metions that both Hope and Ruby are from the same city.
“Oh! You are from Whiterwater?” Hope says, turning to Ruby.
“Uh, y-yeah! I mean, not originally, but I don’t really remember where I am from before that.” Ruby says, a little surprised.
“Oh, I’m sorry my dear… I didn’t mean to speak of anything that might have been uncomfortable to you. My goodness though, your parents were okay with you traveling all the way out here?” Hope says, a little worried.
“Don’t really got any. I mean, It’s fine… I do pretty well for myself out here, I think.” Ruby says smiling.
Hope leans over and gives Ruby a comforting hug, and Ruby blushes scarlet at this.
“I’m sorry… For everything you have to put up with. Things will get better, I swear it.” Hope says, still hugging.
“E-err, thanks! I mean, yeah! Of course they will!” Ruby says, giving a nervous laugh.
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