“Not with the infrastructure my father’s company has in place… It’d take a lot of money to refit everything.”
Emerald says that maybe she can turn it into something that is about protecting yourself. Like make armor, or maybe non-lethal weaponry.
“Hmm, that’s a possibility…” Hope says, bringing a hoof to her cheek in thought.
Emerald asks what made her go into this line of work. He asks if there was some sort of trauma, maybe the loss of a loved one or a family member?
“Well, no… I have no siblings. I just heard of all the great work that Ponycare does and I knew I had to be a part of it.” Hope says, softly.
Emerald asks if she has a tent all to herself.
“Nope, I have to share with three other mares.” Hope replies.
Emerald asks about the Order of the Arrow in the camp. He asks if the guard is made up of them.
“Hmm? Unfortunately no. Most of the guard are hired swords. There are only three members of the Order here, though they’ve done quite a bit of the fighting themselves. I don’t even think they got injured at all!” Hope says happily.
Emerald asks who they are.
“Oh, there is the officer named Uictoria. She’s a bit… Stern I would say, but she makes good calls. There is also Bellator and Praelia. They are a bit brash, but quite friendly. I think they are brother and sister as well, though I’m not entirely sure.” Hope says with a nod.
Emerald wonders if he should mention his experiences with the Order of the Arrow, and whether or not he should alert them to Venator’s trouble with his parents.
Emerald notices that Ruby hasn’t taken her eyes off of Hope this entire time, but he ignores it for the moment.
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