Pip giggles, and after clearing off a bone she cracks it in two and starts sucking on the marrow. After she does this she smiles and Emerald says, “I don’t know it’s name, and I don’t think there is anyone that does. However the demon in your amulet has a title. Many in fact.”
Emerald waits a second as she grabs another piece of meat and strips it clean. She waves around the previously meaty bone and says, “The Chronodaemon, The Time Fiend, and even Qyet Rysarry.”
Emerald recognizes that last one as the old deer language. Unfortunately he doesn’t know much about that one.
The colt waits for Pip to say more, but she just goes back to eating the boar.
“We done here?” Joyride says. Emerald notices her face is… Well, it’s certainly a satisfied look, but it doesn’t look happy, “Wanna get to brewing those potions Emerald? We hit the hive tomorrow!”
Inventory & Spells – http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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