“Back to work, and then collapse into my tent and go to sleep.” Hope says, sighing blissfully at the thought.
Emerald asks if there is anything he can do to help, and makes sure to point out that he wants to spend some “quality time” with her, making sure to wiggle his eyebrows the best he can so as not to alert Ruby to his true meaning.
Hope seems to pick up on it, and she gives a slight blush and says, “W-well, I mean, perhaps we can meet up later but… Um… I’m not sure there is anything you can do here in the building at the moment, but outside there are always people who need some sort of help! Pass along some kindness, and hopefully everyone else will pay it forward.”
Emerald smiles, but feels a bit sad. He was hoping to hang out with her more, but if he can see her later he supposes that’s fine. Hope finishes her meal soon afterwards, and after giving both Emerald and Ruby a hug the mare apologizes for having to leave and hurries back out the door.
“Welp, what now?” Ruby says, leaning on the table with a hoof and looking at Emerald.
Emerald says that the could study, and maybe he could practice magic and stuff. It feels like it’s been a while since he’s done it. Perhaps they could wander around camp as well, though.
Ruby shrugs in a noncommital fashion.
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