“Hi Goji!” greeted Sonata. Gojira lightly smiled in response as he moved to the side, allowing Sonata to plant herself on the rock next to him.
“Hi, Sonata,” greeted Gojira, with a bit of an accent. The time he had spent with the Sirens had allowed him to be able to understand their language. Now they were fully able to communicate with each other. Sonata had placed her hooves under her chin and held them up as she glanced at the kirin.
“Whatcha doin’?” asked Sonata.
“Well, I was relaxing,” said Gojira, glancing away. He could feel Sonata staring at him, oblivious to the hint that she had interrupted his relaxation.
“That’s great! Hey, do you have any plans?” asked Sonata. Gojira raised a brow at her.
“Um… No, why?” asked Gojira.
“Dagi wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us. You haven’t really been around these past couple of days,” said Sonata with a slight look of disappointment.
“Sorry. I’ve just been exploring land a bit more. I didn’t have the guts to do it when I was a foal, but things change,” said Gojira. Sonata giggled.
“I’ll bet! Did you know you’ve gotten pretty big? You’re bigger than most of the boys in the sea!” said Sonata with a laugh. This was true as Gojira had grown to be a larger young stallion compared to the male sirens that were nearby. Gojira rolled his eyes.
“How could I miss that?” asked Junior. Sonata shrugged.
“I don’t know. Do you pay attention? Wait, what were we talking about, again?” asked Sonata, feeling like she had forgotten something.
“You were asking if I wanted to hang out,” said Gojira.
“Oh right! Will you?” asked Sonata. Gojira nodded as he affectionately rubbed his hoof over Sonata’s head. She responded with a giggle.
“Sure, silly filly,” said Gojira.
“Hey, that rhymed!” said Sonata. Gojira raised himself up and stretched his limbs. He gave a relieved sigh.
The Other Side of The Story can be found here: www.fimfiction.net/story/32791…