“Take good care of it Emerald.” Hope says with a smile, as if she had no doubt he would even if she had made that statement or not.
The two walk in a somber silence towards the castle, turning south as they hit the inner town walls and come to a mass gathering of ponies. From the looks of the white robes bobbing among the crowd it is made up of Ponycare employees as well as their families, and many are giving hugs or embracing their loved ones. There are also many, many covered wagons here, their white cloth numbering at least half of the number of robed ponies. Ponies are loading the wagons full of wooden crates and burlap bags of what Emerald assumes is food and supplies. Other than that though there are some ponies who stand very apart from the crowd.
These are obviously the guard for the caravan, and though many of them are the same soldiers that Emerald has seen patrolling Whitherwater there are also what appear to be hired hands. There is no easy way to describe them, as no two have the same uniform, same flair, stance, or weapon. Some aren’t even ponies. Emerald must admit though, they all appear quite imposing and heroic.
“Well… Here I am.” Hope says, giving a half smirk, “Umm… I need to go check in with my boss…”
Emerald feels like he should say something.
What does Emerald do?
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