“Fortunately for you, I’m actually doing it by selling my body! Or more specifically, I’m being hired as a… Hmm… “Mercenary”… For the trip! You never know what people or things might be lurking on the sea after all.” Joyride says.
Emerald asks about how many people will be on the boat with them, and how long the trip will be.
“Hmm… The trip should take about three weeks, I think. That’s what Bo told me anyway. As for the number of crew, I think it’s around twelve or so including the captain. I don’t know too many of them other than Bo, the captain, and the cook.” Joyride answers.
Emerald is curious about the sea. He hasn’t been on a boat before, but he has read about sea sickness.
“Eh… It’s mostly mental. Just tell yourself you won’t get seasick and you shouldn’t. Hopefully. I dunno. I don’t get sea sick. I have some ginseng with me if you need something for an upset stomach.”
Emerald asks how a boat works exactly.
“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask the sailors when we get on board? I bet they’d love to tell you. Maybe. I dunno. You’ll be a guest, so don’t worry about having to work off your trip, okay? Just try to enjoy it. Maybe practice some magic. Maybe gamble a bit and drink.” Joyride says yawning.
Emerald asks if something small like a plant or similar can be used as a target for magic missiles.
“Yeah, all it needs to be is living. So- Oh hey Bo. How’s it going?”
Emerald looks around wide eyed to see the jolly zebra walk up to the trio. He looks Emerald up and down before giving him a smile. Emerald blushes and turns away.
“It’s going well! The sea looks nice today. Should be good sailing! We all ready to go?” Bo asks.
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