Twilight felt her face heat up with absolute fear as the poison joke hung behind her ear like a fashion decoration. She turned to Discord, who snickered. Though he assured her many times there would be no effect on her because he placed magic over it, she knew what a sneaky creature he was.
Still, as Twilight looked over herself in the river before them..she thought it looked quite beautiful on her.
After all that running, yelling, and laughing, the two decided to take a break and lay beside the river that was now flowing freely thanks to some ice-skating over the thick sheets. Twilight laid on her stomach, hooves tucked underneath her while Discord laid on his back, arms folded behind his head and his legs crossed.
“Kind of a boring morning, don’t you think?” He asked idly, gazing at the sky.
“Seems peaceful enough,” Twilight rolled her eyes, still regarding the poison joke against her ear.
“Maybe I should just drop the sun and put it in the ocean,” Discord said nonchalantly, “That would make some nice glowing effect, eh?”
Twilight’s eyes widened in shock before wheeling toward him. “Absolutely not!” she cried. “That would be completely against the time of day, the cycle of nature, the-”
“Oh, listen to you,” He rolled his eyes. “it’s not like I’d make it last night forever. Night can sometimes be so boring!”
Suddenly, before he knew it, Twilight jumped on him, her hooves pressed against his chest as her purple eyes gazed into his red and yellow ones. Though Discord was incredibly surprised by the action, he kept his cool. His wings went a little stiff when her raging face pressed against his, her teeth gritting angrily at him.
“If you have forgotten,” she boomed loudly, “I adore the night, just as I adore day! And if you’re too absent-minded to realize the true beauty of those two halves of one whole, then consider yourself ignorant!”
Discord’s eyes widened a bit as she continued glaring at him, her belly pressing against his in total rage. Finally, he just lowered his eyes and regarded her with half a smile.
Twilight suddenly realized what she was doing and her eyes widened before pulling away. “Wow…” She gasped. “That was so not like me.” She sat back atop his chest and placed a hoof to her head. “Why did I do that?”
“Well…” Discord played with his fingers. “I didn’t exactly tell you the truth about washing away all of the poison joke’s effect…” He smiled innocently when he was regarded with widened eyes. “Hey, all it gave you was the ability to easily get angered over simple things, not like it made your mane stick up or your horn drop off.”
The unicorn immediately pressed her muzzle against his nose, her rage returning due to the effect of the poison joke on her ear.
“Not. Funny.” She growled.
“Let me fix that,” he said, eyes not breaking away from angry ones as he reached an eagle talon behind her ear and pointed at the flower.
In one quick motion, a small surge of light beamed from his talon and the plant glowed upon her ear before the light dispersed into sparks that showered upon the unicorn.
Twilight immediately regained herself, shaking her head before realizing what she had done again. “Oh, wow…” She rubbed her cheek.
Shifting her eyes, she saw the the poison joke still remained intact…but it sparkled as well.
“Should have added that to the poison joke as well, huh?” Discord chuckled, leaning on folded arms behind his back as he watched Twilight sit atop his chest in confusion.
“At least I didn’t need any herbs and remedies,” she muttered as she hopped off him.
While she busied herself running a hoof down her mane, Discord took this chance to gaze up at the sky. Smirking, he snapped his fingers.