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Emerald mentions that he got a letter from Joyride saying that she was coming. Emerald then comments out loud why she did that instead of just sending a dragonfire lantern letter, since they are faster.
“Yes, I received a letter as well. As for why she didn’t use dragonfire, I imagine it’s because I’ve blocked most kinds of magical communication from working in this forest. Couldn’t let any creatures find out there were undead living here and get a message out before we could take care of them.” The lich says, still scribbling his comic.
Emerald nods. Well that explains why no one wrote to him. Emerald asks if he can show him the library, and also the glamour spell he was talking about.
“Yes, yes… Just give me a few minutes.” He says irritably.
Emerald leaves him to his work, stepping right outside the door and hanging out with Lady Elegance. After a few minutes of banter the Sepulcher steps out of the room and beckons Emerald. The lich, the chimera, and the colt all walk back through the room that Emerald was imprisoned in, and then through a separate door near the back. This leads to a long staircase down leading to many, many more rooms. He thinks he hears movement and wails behind some of them, and sticks close to Sepulcher.
They come to the bottom and the lich opens a door just above the bottom of the staircase. Emerald has to admit that this room rivals Joyride’s library for the biggest he’s ever seen. This room however is much more richly decorated. There are gold and silver chairs to lay on, next to which are dark mahogany tables with silver candelabras. The light is a beatuiful, flicking white fire. If Emerald had to describe it, he’d say that Joyride’s room resembles a university, while this one more looks to be a room of comfortable leisure.
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