Two best friends, and also the best examples of what the S.M.I.L.E. Academy could offer. They were sent on an undercover mission supervised by senior operative Vulpine Werder to the enigmatic Canterlot High School, where several unexplained phenomenon had taken place. Unfortunately, the faculty had managed to fix up the front entrance that was destroyed due to ‘gas leak’ before they could do some scene investigation. Still, probing at the whole school was proven to be easily successful and produced a’List of Five’, which are names that needs to be investigated further at a later date. Also gathered was quite lengthy amount of photos, videos, and other evidence that all pointed out towards the unexplainable.
The arrival of the trio calling themselves “Dazzlings” was thought to be the culmination of the investigation, but was in fact very dubious in papers as the ‘mesmerizing’ effect of their songs was able to disrupt the train of reports coming in for several very important dates. However, the hitch in the investigation was cleared out quickly as the duo managed to apprehended the girls after one of their performances.
It was from the interrogation of these ‘sirens’ (as they preferred to be called) and also the amount of physical and digital data that the agents managed to collect, we can conclude several things to be forwarded towards the higher ups on the governmental hierarcy in order for this debacle to be handled as efficiently as possible.
However, after this turn of events, both agents negotiated to be left in their posts and the infiltration mission is to extended to the remaining of the school year, as they had managed to gain trust with the ‘List of Five’. They also theorized with the increasing flux of physical anomalies and the upcoming school event ‘Frienship Games’, would not mingle well with one another and would fruit us more through understanding about the anomalies and the exact nature of these phenomenon. These theory was further steeled witht the fact that one of the youngest person to have ever entered our regular watchlist, Twilight Sparkle, was actually enrolled at the rival school. The result of these two variables to meet with one anothet would surely be something worth of note, and would definitely secure our position and materials to compels the ‘List of Five’ to work for us in harnessing this phenomenon in the near future.