Who’s that creepin’ through the shadowy alcoves? Mice? Drywall lobsters? Even
better! It’s Sweetie and Silver’s youngest offspring, Silver Lining and Silver Storm!These two rascals are fraternal twins, born a day or two apart. How? Originally they were
both being carried by Silver, but a health complication occurred not long into the pregnancy.
Struck with the frightening prospect that both foals may not survive to term, a decision was
made to medi-magically (that’s a word today) transfer one of the fetuses to the womb of their
second mother. The endeavor was a success, and ultimately Silver gave birth to Silver Storm
(the smaller one) and Sweetie produced Silver Lining (the fluffy-maned one).Of the duo, Storm is the dominant twin. She’s more level-headed and protective of
her sibling who, while no slouch, has more of an affinity for shiny objects. One
assumes she inherited that trait from Aunt Rarity…indeed, both of the fillies bear
more than a passing resemblance to their aunts.(“Hey, you’re right!” says Vinyl. “They DO look like me!”)A question may remain as to why the girls are dressed like that. I don’t care to
give away too much of the story yet, so just suffice it to say that they’re a
couple of tough little cookies who’ve already had their share of adventures.
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