Then the deafening crash of a tree falling over thundered through the silence.
“S-Sweetie? What… what was that?”
As if in answer to her question, something let out a loud, shrieking roar, and the ground rumbled, getting wilder and closer every moment.
Sweetie could only say one thing.
She grabbed Silver by the arm and yanked her up, dragging her out of the hole as she started to dash through the undergrowth. But as they sprinted on, a large root caught Silver’s foot, ripping off her boot and tripping her. Sweetie began to pull her up, only for the grey filly to yelp in pain. The fall had twisted her ankle, and she couldn’t so much as stand. With what little might she had, Sweetie tried to carry her, but to no avail. She only stopped when the ground stopped rumbling.
The two girls looked up to see what had been chasing them, and froze, their eyes widening. It was like a snake. A gigantic, fat snake, without eyes and with far too many teeth. Its jaws were wide open, great globs of saliva oozing down its massive yellow fangs. The massive pink tongue was stroking its teeth in anticipation, eager to taste the helpless fillies.
Tears started to well up in Silver’s eyes. There was no way she could get out of this. This was the end for her, but it might not be for Sweetie. In a broken croak interrupted by sobs, she whispered to Sweetie “Go. M-maybe I’ll be enough for it…”
But Sweetie was having none of it. She bent down and grabbed a large rock on the ground. Standing over Silver, she readied her aim, her arm shaking as she did so. She could have sworn she saw the beast smile wickedly at that.
Predator and prey stared down each other, both wondering who would make the first move.
Then something else came crashing through the forest. Two somethings, as it was…