
source description:
Name : Moon Melody  
Gender: Mare
Parents: Wether Warrior and Proud Night  
Siblings: Dark Melody, Dark Reader and Night Writher
Fact: She is NOT a Alicore!!! She loves alicores and have even made a head band with a fake horn so she can look like one. She never takes it of and she even imagens sometimes she can do magic tricks but she cant. Moon Melody is the youngest sister of the family and when she and her sisters lost there parents she was to littel too remember them today. Her older sister Dark Reader is one year older then her but other ponys offen thinks it is a bigger differens in age between them and just like her other sisters she is a mix between a zebra and a bat pony.
Personality: She relly likes her zebra look and if she coud she wud make herself look like a full striped zebra with wings. Moon Melody loves Alicorns and have bigg posters of all the princesses in her rome and knows alott about them. She is not a staker but a bigg geek of magic and alicorns. She may not herself have any magic but loves to read about magic and alicorn history. Her biggest hobby exept that is to sing and in any different forms of singing. Moon Melody is not as good of a singer as her oldest sister Dark Melody but is hoping she one day will surpass her and she is the only one in the family that can compete in a singing duell with Dark Melody. Moon Melody is relly relly shy when meeting new ponys and folks untill she thinkes they are nice and not mean. When she gets scared she will always find a dark place and hide till the danger is ower. When she is not scarde of others ore acts relly relly shy she is one that loves to speak and sing with other ponys. She loves adventure and when her sisters isent around she always tries to be a derdevil bout in the air and on the ground. She is not a good flyer but she is a wery optemistic pony and she never gives up when she have decided on somethings. She is relly stubborn and slay as a fox when she wants to do ore have somthing. She has not been spoild of her sisters even when she is the youngest but have lernd to alwas help in the family and will gladly help any family member ore friend when askt. She will not help in chores that inwole dust becuse she thinks dust is ghoust that is in disguise and only acts inocent so they can charge on onto any pony that isent looking. Becuse of this she is wery good at cleaning even if she dont like it. Her biggest dream is to be a singer in the palace in front of Luna and Celestia, she also then wants to tour the country to all of the kingdomes and performe in all the alicorn kingdomes and other kingdomes.
Likes: Her family and friends, Singing, ALICORNS!!, the color blue and green, adventure, overcome her shyness and meet new ponys, lisening to music, be in ore besides a casel, sweet things that she can eat, helping others especelly her sisters, night time storys and horror storys, happy and nice ponys, imagen that she can do magic, her head band, running, getting better at flying, getting things she wants in a sly way without her sisters notis, dark comfy places, her stripes and storys about her parents.
Dislikes: Dust in any way/ghoust, mean and scary ponys, sad endings, not have the time to be with her sisters, flirty ponys/stalions, DUST!!!!!, cleaning, losing her head band, having ponys saying she shoude just forgett she can be a alicorn, growing up, being weak and in the way of others, hurting others and getting caught when she gets her way of things.


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