Prism: Dubz! Hey! Haven’t seen you in a while.
Whirlwind: Oh, hey Priz. How’re you?
Prism: Pretty good. Kinda bored. Everyone’s been so busy lately
Whirlwind: Awww that sucks. Where’s everyone been?
Prism: All over the place. Claire’s always either working or with her boyfriend, Annie and T are together, Candy’s working, Del’s been going to Canterlot more often and Starburst’s just boring.
Whirlwind: chuckles I’m sorry
Prism: Yeah! Where’ve you been?
Whirlwind: Just…. doing my own thing….
Prism: I feel like you’re lying to me……
Whirlwind: I’m not lying
Prism: Well you’re hiding something
Whirlwind: ……. eeehhh
Prism: puts head on Whirlwind’s shoulder C’mon you can tell me anything
Whirlwind: …… I’ve been hanging out in Canterlot.
Prism: Canterlot? Why Canterlot?
Whirlwind: I’ve been… seeing someone. Kinda…
Prism: …. oh. gasps IS IT HOT HEAD???
Whirlwind: chuckles No
Prism: Ah, okay… So, uhhh…… is he treating you well?
Whirlwind: Well, “he” is actually a “she”…
Prism: S-she?
Whirlwind: Yeah. Amber.
Prism: AMBER???
Whirlwind: It’s not like what you think
Prism: Are you two a thing now? What’d you do together? Did you kiss???
Whirlwind: Well, um, yeah we kissed but
Prism: Oh no! Was I that bad a boyfriend that I made you turn???
Whirlwind: giggles No Prism
Prism: Ah, I knew it! Well, I mean As long as you’re happy cries
Whirlwind: Oh baby hugs Prism It’s not your fault
Prism: sniffs
Whirlwind: This kiss was just kinda an experiment I guess. And Amber and I aren’t a thing.
Prism: Really?
Whirlwind: I promise
Prism: O-oh.
Whirlwind: Lookit you caring so much
Prism: Pfft whatever
Whirlwind: You loooooove me
Prism: Shut up