The big red earth pony loved his home on the swampy river more than anything…that is until he fatefully met a rough and tumble mademoiselle who worked a farm up in Ponyville. Where she went he was sure to follow, and soon they were soon married and eventually produced three lovely (and famous) children. Ponderosa taught all of his offspring to work hard, build their strength and use it for the good of others. The trio all adored and heeded their Pa, but none looked up to him more than his firstborn, Lil’ Mac.
To this day, Big Mac’s greatest regret is that his sons never got to meet their grandparents. He does his best to honor Ma and Pa’s memory by regaling Lil’ Mark and Lil’ Mike with accounts of their fortitude, courage and love.
Late Apple progenitor headcanon in da house, pone friends! :D
mlp:fim = Hasbro/Faust
And lest we kick up a row in regard to loving Cajun stereotypes, let me assure you that every bayou-dwelling individual I’ve ever met has attested to beating up at least 30 gators in his or her lifetime, and prominently displays a number of souvenir gator teeth in his or her hatband.