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safe2258071 screencap293936 applejack212269 chancellor neighsay933 firelight566 fluttershy273919 gallus9161 grampa gruff486 lemon hearts2583 lyra heartstrings35891 minuette7120 moondancer6518 ocellus6868 pharynx1373 pinkie pie271052 prince rutherford891 princess ember9052 rainbow dash295781 rarity230119 sandbar6956 seaspray242 silverstream7911 smolder11813 soarin'18672 spike96117 sunburst9426 terramar997 thorax5587 trixie83132 twilight sparkle373552 twilight sparkle (alicorn)152077 twilight velvet5944 twinkleshine2722 yona6532 alicorn429065 changedling11380 changeling82106 classical hippogriff6360 dragon114606 earth pony629925 griffon37376 hippogriff13931 pegasus697999 pony1924560 unicorn688463 yak6083 the ending of the end3882 king thorax3493 mane seven7857 mane six39248 prince pharynx890 student six2079


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