Get rekt son.
Seriously though had so much trouble figuring out how to get taht back ground transparent. I was going to give the colors more depth but ef that shit the transparent background was a biiiiiiitttttvvvvccchhh. Eventually i had to cave a bit and ditch sketch book express in favor of GIMP.
They both have their pros and cons it feels like but the way the pens work in GIMP is a bitch. It does have some neat tricks in its sleeves though…..
Any who i dont really know anything about this particular pony apart from her wiki page showing her and her little sister in what sort of looks like a white summer dress with blue trim. I also found out super late (literally after i was past the coloring part) that her name may or may not be “Berry Punch.” or something. Apparently she has a minor drinking problem which is vaguely surprising to hear about the show.
I also really like the colored line work for this one. I may just start making that my thing whenever i color an image i just really like the way it looks.