Apple Bloom had asked her fellow crusaders to leave Diamond Tiara be for the first two days, just so she could get herself situated on the farm.
Those two days had passed, and as much as Sweetie and Scootaloo weren’t looking forward to it, they were going to have to spend their time with the one pony responsible for most of their misery.
But they’d already decided to not let that little detail stop them from having fun, as Scootaloo sped through Ponyville with her newest passenger screaming in terror for the duration of the ride.
“Oh lighten up! You’re acting like you’ve never done anything exciting before!” The pegasus yelled back to the terrified earth pony in the wagon.
“Of course not! I kind of value my safety more!”
“You’re lucky Apple Bloom asked us to not do the more dangerous stuff we had on our cutie mark list with you.”
“Well okay. So what are we doing?”
If Sweetie had actually been paying attention she would have seen how “thrilled” the pink pony was at the prospect of more physical activity after the two days she had spent trying to do farmwork.
‘Bi-weekly Summer Spa Day w/ Silvie on Tuesday. DO NOT SKIP IT!’
It was the only thing the note that Diamond had left for Apple Bloom said.
After several interrupted attempts to explain to the spa twins about how she was taking Diamond’s spot in her usual appointment, Apple Bloom walked in and found the bespectacled filly impatiently waiting.
It wasn’t until the two were alone in the sauna that Apple Bloom felt comfortable enough to speak up.
“Sorry ‘bout bein’ late.”
“Diamond forgot to tell them?”
“How did-?”
“Her forgetting something like that doesn’t surprise me. Take my word for it. Ever wonder why you hardly see us together during the summer? She’s busier than you’d think.” a look of confusion now occupied Apple Bloom’s face, as Silver Spoon was up on her hind legs and holding her forehooves out together expectantly.
It took the Apple filly a few seconds before it clicked in her head. “Um… Silver Spoon, ah don’t think it’s right fer me to do the ‘Bump. Bump. Sugar Lump Rump.’ with ya’ll instead of Dahmond. She’s your friend, and that’s somethin’ special between you two, an’ ah wouldn’t want to take that away from ya.”
“Oh… okay. I suppose that’s a good point now that you mention it.”
“Hey, mind if I ask yah something? Why follow her anyway? Ah’ve heard plenty of the other foals say that you aren’t nearly as bad when yer alone, but then yah go out of yer way to match her level whenever she’s nearby.”
“Because she was the only pony to ever stick their neck out for me.” “*sigh* This was before Diamond and I moved to Ponyville with our families…”