Starburst: I was working out again. Passed out while flying. You can probably guess what happened
Api: Owie. Hey, have you seen Del or June?
Starburst: Del left to get some ice for me and I think June is out somewhere with Mrs. Cheerilee
Api: Oh……
Starburst: What’s wrong?
Api: ……….I……….I was being teased again for being small
Starburst: Oh
Api: Nopony ever takes me seriously! They always treat me like a baby!
Starburst: …………… I know how you feel
Api: You do? But you’re not small!
Starburst: Pssh yeah I am. Maybe not to you but have you seen me compared to my friends? Or anypony else for that matter? Red June’s obviously really tall. Taller than most mares actually. But even next to Candy and Anthea I’m super short. Even your friend Icy Storm’s about to pass me up in height
Api: Really? I never noticed.
Starburst: Yeah. And you’re right about other ponies not taking you seriously. Why do you think I’m not allowed to train with the royal guards?
Api: ……….. because you’re a princess?
Starburst: Well…….. that and I they all think I’m too small and delicate to handle their training.
Api: …………it stinks to be small
Starburst: It’s not all that bad. There are upsides to being small too.
Api: There are?
Starburst: Sure. We don’t have to worry about hitting our heads on ceilings, we’re quicker, we can move around better, we can hide pretty much anywhere and we’ve got a lower center of gravity so we have better balance.
Api: Wow, I guess you’re right Starburst! Thanks!
Starburst: No prob. Hey, where are you going?
Api: I’m gonna go beat up the ponies that were making fun of me! SMALL POWER!!!!!!
Starburst: Wait! Api!