“Finished at last! Here his head is in all it’s glory after about 2 months of on and off work. Of course he probably would have been completed later on if I didn’t have a con to attend in two days haha xD I’m bummed my lighting is so crappy that it washes out all of the little detail I did on his horns and face; and I think I’ll darken under his eyes even more with the airbrush because it didn’t show up as well as I hoped.
I also might shave down his neck fur a tad but I actually kind like it soft and plush so idk.
Expect a full suit picture in a day or so when I finish his wings :)
He’s pretty comfy to wear but honestly it is a pretty heavy mask due to the looooong horse face haha
I hope I did well for a first try on a fursuit!
Here are his specs:
Resin base by phazonalloy phazonalloy
Air clay horns on a wire armature
Air clay large tooth
Yellow LED eyes
Wefted and styled Kanekelon mane
Ears on springs so they bounce. Boing!”
April 30, 2013