Pale Beauty or “Grey Noire” was the very first to convert back when the Sombronians were just a pack of teenagers wishing to be edgy. Pale Beauty herself claims to have met the disembodied spirit of Sombra, and that her lord has endowed her with emense power to vanquish all of those who stand in her way. She also claims that she has a direct link of speaking to her lord inside her mind, and only those worthy may speak through her to their lord.
Many ponies believe that Grey Noire is simply a crazy pony who accidentally infected her horn with a type of power that nopony should handle, and the power when directly to her brain and causes her to see hallucinations. Other ponies believe she is simply a liar and is controlling thousands of subjects with her lies. But Pale Beauty herself believes that her lord speaks to her, and she will do anything in her power to please him.