Yeah, someone better fetch the Elements of Harmony
I guess it was really only a matter of time before I made ponifications of these two. I wasnt even sure if I was going to do it or not, but there ya go! Shrug
My headcanon for Pony Notepad is that her hooves/legs are permanently stained black from all the ink she paints with, and you can tell where shes been from the all inky hoof-prints she leaves everywhere. That, and no one knows if that really is blood on her flank, or just part of her cutie mark. As for Tony, I made him a pegasus due to the saying: Time flies when youre having fun. Yknow? Cause hes a clock? And he can fly cause hes a pegasus? Yeah you get it.
Wait would that mean that he could only fly if hes having fun?
Seriously though, with these guys running rampant through Equestria, they could give Discord a big run for his money. Man, a showdown between them would probably cause the world to implode from too much chaos happening at once
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