One day, Wysteria was visiting Princess Twilight in Ponyville. She was amazed to see how the city had grew, and dropped by to visit her parents in her foalhood home. While on the way to lunch, she walked into a familiar stranger.
“That cutie mark, that coat, that mane,” Wysteria said to herself, “I need to talk to her.”
“Um, Hi, do I know you?”
“Move it, plebian.”
“Kimono, it’s me! Wysteria!”
Kimono looked at her for a second. “OK, stupid.” Wysteria was shocked to see how her former foalsitter had become a jaded pessimist during her time in Manehattan.
“Well, what are you doing in Ponyville?”
“Staying here on a business trip to interview the Wonderbolts. I’m a reporter now. I don’t deal with fillies who take several hours to put together a charm bracelet and play princess with a baby dragon.”
Wysteria walked away, and thought of how Kimono spent years without any friends and is now a hollow shell of her former self.