1st pic is Lucky singing along with other party goers, be thankful this doesnt have audio.
2nd, our hero puts on that Saggitha Slap flare trying out some local sportswear. Heard she had a nice time shopping. She was amazed to find out she could try out stuff in the stores.she doesnt shop much, and dont ask how long it took to try on certain outfts.
3rd, heres Lucky back at the hotel during their stay at the deep south of Equestria. Some pony made the mistake of allowing her in the kitchen to make treats.
4th, we have two familiar faces making faces.
Zippy: Also, the mardi gras ponies let us keep our afterparty masks. SCORE!
And there go our heroes now, in their hotel room after Fat Tuesday.
Zippy: How come Grammy gets more beads?! We both had the same masks. What she got that I dont got!?