The sun shone high above as we made way back towards the docks, the crisp breeze off of the ocean rustling the overgrown vegetation and carrying with it the salty smell. A smell which, thankfully, can’t detract from the taste of Sparkle-Cola RAD. Adjusting myself a little, the awkward sword seemed to try to balance itself on my back, Static glancing at it every now and again as I took healthy gulps of the faintly glowing blue soda. “Mmh, you keep looking at it, are you sure you don’t want it?”
“I’m sure. Like I said, it’s not weighted for a pony, if I tried using it for too long I’d probably sprain my neck.” He let out a small huff in contemplation, looking over the sword for a moment, then back to me. “I just don’t know if you’d actually be able to use it effectively, either. I mean, it was made for gryphons, and making it pony-usable seems like it’d seriously lower the resale value of it.” Giving the earth pony a quick glare, I let out a long sigh and gave my eyes a roll, shaking my head. You’ve got a price tag above everything, don’t you? “What? If you won’t wind up using it, it’d at least be worthwhile to sell it to someone who can!”