Hey there! Welcome to AAAAAAAPLEOOSA! whinnies Shame on you for not coming by earlier; you’ve missed out on so much stuff around here that I’m going to have to bring you up to speed. Isn’t it amazing how we settler ponies have managed to stick to these badlands for the past three years? Of course, it wasn’t easy, but we have all the basics that any town needs like horse-drawn carriages, horse-drawn horse-drawn carriages, and a local watering hole, and let’s not forget the local apple orchard! You know, there’s an interesting story I have about my cousin’ Applejack and some of her friends that came around here not too long ago during a conflict with the buffalo…
He keeps talking for some time, seemingly oblivious to anything else. you’re not bothered by this, even though his talking goes on for hours and hours. Until, later that night…
…and that’s the story of how we managed to ally ourselves with the buffalo against the Changelings! I’m sorry I’ve taken this long, but it isn’t often we get visitors around here. Why don’t you kick back your feet and stay for a while?
Welcome to the town of Appleoosa
Don’t be afraid, I ain’t gonna hurt ya.
We’ve got real friendly folks around these here parts;
Give us some time and we’ll give you our hearts.
You may have heard them say I’m gay; ‘tis true,
But around Appleoosa we use the old meaning, too.
Stick around for a while and I’ll show you a good time;
I guarantee our nights will be sublime…
*Oh god, why did I do this…