Community Collab Image 2024 This year's collab has begun! Post your submissions here

“I’m doing great! I just got in a fight with this eight legged beast that shot lasers and breathed death! He also wore a book and had googly eyes.”
>”Oh? You fought a lesser mimic and won? That’s pretty good for a scrub foal. I also see you learned a new spell”
She laughs
>”Oh really? Can the QUEEN OF FLAMES do this?”
Sheila backs up a bit and looks out to the lake. She inhales deeply, pauses, and then lets a torrent of flames burst from her mouth.  
She closes her maw and a little smoke trickles from her lips. She turns to look at you.
>”You shall address me as the MISTRESS of MAYHEM you PEASANT!”
You stare at her as she glares at you. You both break into laughter.
>”Oh, before I forget, I got this for you.”
She hands you bottle filled with an off-white liquid.
>”Don’t worry. It’s not spunk. My friend Belle came to visit today. She gave me some extra Tauras milk. It’s supposed to be really good for adventurers. Figured you might like it”
+1 Tauras milk
“Oh, I also brought something.”
You pull out a container filled with some of the stew you made.
“I made some stew! You want some?”
>”Sure! Looks tasty!”
You both sit down to eat some stew.
“Oh hey,could I buy another Health potion?”
>”Sure thing”  
-10 BITS
>”Yknow, as they are right now, the health potions are alright, but they could be better. If you happen to find any items in you adventuring that can make these potions do more, bring em to me and I’ll add it to the recipe list. I’m not very smart in that regard, but maybe you’ll be better at it. Just something to keep in mind.”  
If you upgrade your INTELLIGENCE you can do different things with items you find.You can also gain INTELLIGENCE from reading books.
“Oh, uh have you seen anything strange going on lately? I need a quest or something. What’s the point of being great if all I do is kill animals in the forests?”
>”Strange huh? Well, I’m not sure about anything strange, but if you want to listen for gossip, I got a lead. I hear there’s a town not too far East from here. I’m sure if you keep travelling that way, you’ll find it. There’s bound to be some stuff for you to do there.”  
>”Oh Belle? She said she was gonna stay here for a while. Yknow, settle down a bit. She’s probably setting up here at the lake. Explore around and you’ll probably find her. She loves kids, so I’m sure you’ll hit it off.”
You plop down in front of her.
“What can you tell me about LUST?”  
She jolts up in surprise.
>”W-well, lust is um… a way for the body to tell you what it um… wants? But sometimes your body can be tricked into THINKING it wants something, but is actually just being used, and then you need to make the decision to act on those things.”  
She’s sweating.
>”A um, good way to get rid of these uh… feelings… is to um. RELIEVE yourself.”
“What like pee?”
>”Haaaa no… um, I meant more like…. stmsmtsfsng”
“Are you okay? Do I need to find a doctor?”
>”DB, Masturbating. I’m talking about masturbating.”
>”It’s when a pony um… touches themselves.”
“What like this?”
You put your hand on your nose.
>”N-no. Um, h-here.”
She goes into her wagon and rummages around. She then comes back out with a box.
>”H-here’s a… toy… I used to use when I was smaller. I don’t use it anymore, but maybe you can um… u-use it.”
“How do I use it?”
>”There are instructions in the box.”
She’s blushing quite heavily now.
“Well, if you say so.”
You talk for a bit longer. Sheila blushes when she looks at you. After a few hours, she looks up.
>”Well, It’s getting kinda late. You gonna head back now?”
“Yeah probably.”
In a flash, she jumps back into her wagon.
>”Alright! See you later DB!”
She slams her wagon’s doors shut.
Oh well. She probably had something to get to.
The ground where she was sitting is pretty moist too.
Experience – 187 xp
HEALTH – 45  
STAMINA – 90  
MANA – 100  
LUST – 36%  
BITS – 19
You have 0 actions left.
Sheila’s Affection – 22%  
Sheila’s Trust – 20%
You yawn and lay down in bed. Today was a good day. You weren’t raped AND you learned a new spell!  
10/10 in your opinion.  
You put out the fire and go to sleep.


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