
Apple Bloom is beginning to have Cutie Pox! And she started with 3 cutie marks and can’t control her new talents much to Applejack and Lumiere’s horror.
Applebloom: (Struggling) Help me!
Applejack: C’mere, you!
Applejack raced to her to hold her down, but Applebloom’s hoop kept hitting her in the face.
Applejack: Ow!
Lumiere: Applejack, that won’t work. We have to make her hooves stop.
Lumiere held Applebloom’s front legs down but since by the force of the Cutie Marks, he was shaken and wiggled off.
Applebloom: I’m sorry, Applejack! But I don’t know how to make it stop.
Applejack: Well, I know somepony who might.
Lumiere: Let’s get her to Twilight and Belle.


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