Pinkie’s kiddies aren’t the nicest ponies around.
Rockin’ Beet is a stallion and he’s the oldest. He’s a more crazy, assertive, black humorous and partyholic version of Pinkie Pie. He’s a very popular musician in Manehattan. Shares an apartment with Dash’s son Rapidfire. I think we all know by who Beet’s design was inspired
Toffee is the second kid, he’s like 16 or something, but he looks like an adult hairy bodybuilder. He doesn’t get enough sleep and addicted to coffee, and because of that he’s very aggressive and grumpy. Has a really short temper, if you’ll make him really angry, be sure that there’s a hospital nearby. What a douche. Love him.
Giggles is the only daughter. She is spoiled and sarcastic. She’s a Diamond Tiara of this generation.