ok ok here we go, i’m gonna be doing an MLP next-gen that is loosely (and by loose I mean, I pick and choose what I like out of canon) canon ending compliant. This is for fun really, and i’m really gonna be missing MLP now that it’s done 0’:SO-Celestia has been retired from the throne for quite some time, and has no real ties to it anymore other than the occasional appearance when she’s requested for ‘family events’-Most of her time after vacationing with Luna has been spent traveling the world and seeing all the places she’d only heard of in the time she ran Equestria alone-She’s a lot more ‘loosey goosey’ (Discord’s words, not hers) than she was prior to her adventures. The time away from real responsibility has really done her a lot of good.-Discord obviously is just as much a traveler as his wife (yes, they’re married) but he goes much further than the expanse of Equestria and it’s world. The rings they both have are a homing beacon, so when they want to see each other they’re both pretty aware of it.-They opted for eloping, neither really wanted to deal with another royal wedding-The time apart is comfortable for both of them, both live fairly free life styles. They always make sure to see each other at least a few times a month though.-Although, Discord is more involved in Equestria’s government than he really lets on (but only when he wants to be, not when he’s needed)-Their relationship was rocky at first, and a little weird for everyone involved. Both have mellowed out a lot, even if Discord is still pretty insufferable-Unrelated, but i’ve always headcanon’d Discord’s tail as something aquatic 0:-As parents they’re….. sure somethingExpect their kids’ design sometime soon, and a few other pairings!!(Celestia’s cutiemark used from this vector Princess Celestia Cutie Mark <3)
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