So I have this headcanon that in Season 1, Vinyl and Octavia originally lived in Canterlot and Vinyl was invited to provide the music for the Summer Sun Celebration and Octavia was accompanying her to Ponyville. At the same time, Lyra decides to move to Ponyville because she was having a hard time finding a job in Canterlot as a musician. That’s when the three cross paths, but Octavia and Lyra have a rivalry since their days at the school of performing arts so they fight a lot. However, they also met the rest of the B6 and they all become unlikely friends. After the celebration, Vinyl and Octavia return to Canterlot, but still visit Ponyville to hang with the others (though Lyra and Octavia still clash with each other).
Then in season 4 during the fight between Twilight and Tirek, Octavia’s place got destroyed (and Vinyl was probably living with her when her parents kicked her out of their house). The rest of the B6 encouraged them to move to Ponyville. Vinyl was totally down for that, but Octavia was reluctant, but decides to move there since all her friends are there and she’s happier with them…And that’s how Octavia and Vinyl are living in Ponyville in season 5. Oh and Lyra and Vinyl are bros and like to embarrass Octavia.
I lost the source of the original picture, but I remember it’s on Tumblr…
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