And yet, as sweet as this may be, I’ll fully admit to never really being as sold on this ship as others are. Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s still nice when the two share a moment together, or when Rarity show her appreciation for the things Spike does for her. But there is one rather glaring point about this pairing that has always kept me from being a full-on supporter of it. And that’s the age difference. Rarity and Spike, as the show has more than established by this point, are an adult and child respectably, and while Spike is undoubtedly a mature character, he is nevertheless too young for me to want him to be with someone like Rarity. For reasons I hope I don’t need to explain to anyone, this is something that is simply always going to be the case for me. Do I believe these two are adorable and sweet in their moments together? Absolutely. But, do I want to see them as an official couple? I’m afraid the answer was, is, and always shall be, no
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