Page 1383 - Can’t Go Home Again
28th May 2020, 6:00 AMHow do you personally like to do backstories with your GM/players for long-term campaigns? Myself, as a player, ever the diplomancer, I tend to like having connections that I can potentially leverage in clever ways. As a GM, I like to ask my players directly what they’re looking for emotionally from the current campaign experience and their current character, and try to build the campaign with those goals in mind.
Fluttershy: Um, don’t… you still have family in Ponyville, Applejack?
Applejack: Is Sweet Apple Acres technically in Ponyville?
DM: Yes. It’s at the outskirts, but it still counts. And it’s the home of an Element of Harmony, so of course Discord would want to keep an eye on it.
Applejack: Well dang. They’re hardy folk, though. Ah’m sure they’ll endure.
Rarity: Oh shoot, Sweetie Belle…
Pinkie Pie: It’ll be just fine, girls! The Cake family hasn’t evacuated either, and they’re practically my family, but I’m not worried! Not one bit! So don’t worry about it! We’ll be right back! Whatever you do, don’t feel guilty about leaving your loved ones behind!
Rainbow Dash: This is why I don’t do backstories.
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