Adagio: “I just want a hug…”
Aria: “Oh, Hell no!”
Adagio: “What?”
Aria: “Every time you make us hug someone, Sonata breathes down my neck!”
Sonata: “I DO NOT!!”
Aria: “Do too!”
Sonata: “Do not!”
Aria: “Do too!”
Sonata: “Do n-”
Adagio: “Girls, quiet! Don’t make me get the socks again!”
Aria and Sonata (in unison): “We’ll be good!”
I just HAD to draw THIS exchange! XD
Digitally inked and colored in PS CS2 using my Wacom Bamboo.
EDIT 7/13/16:
Here is the link to the fanfic on FiMFiction by Eyeswirl the Weirded. This scene is re-created in Chapter 7.