Fluttershy and Cream did everything together, the pegasus would cook and feed her young friend, read her stories, play games together and would get very close and comfortable with cuddles and kisses. The young rabbit loved her friend’s friendly pecks and smooches as they snuggled up together under the big tree in her garden, on the couch wrapped in blankets while watching movies, or just sharing a bed together. Their closeness even brought them to start spending their snuggle time without clothes on so they could embrace and cuddle up to their warm, fuzzy bodies.
Fluttershy would also soon know of the young rabbit’s love of swimming and being underwater, something the pegasus herself shared and would go to the nearby lakes of Green Hill Zone and swim for ages, diving deep into the crystal clear depths of the waters. The pegasus would teach the rabbit how to stay submerged for longer and even how to swim quickly underwater, something Cream picked up fairly easily, even managing to have a breath holding time of nearly 3 minutes!
Cream loved her pegasus friend, Fluttershy. And Fluttershy loved her little Cream as if she was her own blood. The two were inseparable, and they would love each other not only as friends, but almost like family.