Page 1005 - Race the RainbowArtist: ChrisTheSAs I mesh together these simultaneous but linear sequences into a turn order (that weren’t built with a turn order in mind, but all the same), the character that makes this the most challenging turns out to be Pinkie Pie. She has a fair number of abilities that let her act out of order, but her natural inclination to antic also kinda stretches the boundaries of D&D’s orthodoxy.I’m having a lot of fun, though, don’t get me wrong. It’s like putting together a jigsaw puzzle.
DM: Meanwhile, in the land of cursed dice…
Rainbow Dash: Gaaah. Swift Panther Rage!
DM: Miss. But, uh, you don’t really need it to hit, do you? The rage effect still–
Pinkie Pie: Not so fast! I use Rhyme of the Blood-Seeking Blade! Does reducing their defenses by 4 ensure the hit?
DM: It… does, actually.
Rainbow Dash: FINALLY! Triggering off the minion going down, I use Swift Charge! That charge turns into Howling Strike!
DM: Ah, I see. You needed the hit to set off your high-speed combo. However… looks like your Howling Strike missed.
Rainbow Dash: I can deal with that, because I’m right where I want to be… In flanking position!
Applejack: Glad you could join us, Rainbow. Just… keep yer dice over there.
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