Page 986 - Relationship TollsIf you have the opportunity to watch that cake splatter frame by frame, I highly suggest you try it out. It’s an impressive shot. Rarity’s face makes for one heck of a deflective shield.
DM: Though, wait. Before all of that happens, Celestia says:
Princess Celestia: Finally! I swear, that line gets longer every year.
Twilight Sparkle: Huh?!
Princess Celestia: Shall we head to the ballroom, Twilight? I’m sure you’re bored stiff after all that.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh! Yes! Certainly! I bet it’ll be very exciting soon! Ahaha… aha…!
DM: Now, as for you two:
Applejack: Got a 19 for raw Dex and a 21 for Pinkie’s Athletics.
DM: Good enough! The big cake on top of the cart flies true, but before it hits Blueblood… he reacts on pure reflex, grabbing Rarity and using her as a pony shield. Not a speck lands on Blueblood. Rarity is covered horn to hoof.
Rainbow Dash: …Wow. Thrown under the cake. That’s, like, a metaphor or something.
Rarity: Gee, really? I never would have thought of that!
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