Page 925 - Groovy Dove, Part 2You might say “Then that makes a farm the perfect place to hide!” Sure, in some cases. I’m just saying an organization made up primarily of white-collar grifters might possibly turn their collective nose up at a deep rural assignment.Speaking of thieves, I’m about to start running my next big campaign using the Dusk City Outlaws system (or at least the current preview materials). Stay tuned for a new podcast!
DM: Your ride to the estate awaits.
Rarity: The estate is real, and there are workers? This cover is thorough.
Applejack (DM): See ya, sugarcube. We’ll be ready when ya’ll return.
Rainbow Dash (DM): Tubular.
DM: Is that what she says? …No?
Rarity: <ahem> And you must be…?
Flax: Flax Seed, ma’am. Nice to finally meetcha, Miss Dove.
Rarity: Right, you wouldn’t see very much of me…
Flax: It’s alright. We know you’re a very busy pony. Not like much happens down on the land. We make do just fine.
Rarity: Good…
Flax: Though some thieves tried to break in last–
Rarity: Thieves?! I mean, uh– So he’s not an agent, then. A real farmer.
DM: Everyone working at the homestead is real. No Guild member wants to hide out in the sticks.
Rarity: Great.
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