Page 870 - Crossover CascadeOver the course of the last five and a half years, I’ve stretched some of these episodes to the breaking point trying to remix them together into one timeline, haven’t I?
DM: <siiiiigh> So, to recap: Pinkie Pie’s Pinkie Sense… led her to a secret Competition betting pool run by a millionaire from Las Pegasus… Fluttershy went undercover as a high roller to heist the black book containing all the bets…
Twilight Sparkle: Why did it have to be Fluttershy, exactly?
Fluttershy: Good question…
Rarity: Why, her natural charisma, of course!
DM: Twilight solved the way-more-difficult-than-expected cipher and decoded the registry… The highest bet on “Wingsong” in the book led you to a famous pop star’s manager named Svengallop… Applejack intimidated Svengallop into sharing everything he knew… which was the identity of the pony who created “Wingsong’s” disguise… one Suri Polomare, a Thief-affiliated fashion designer from Manehattan… Rarity played a round of cards with her…
Rarity: “Played” is a strong word…
Applejack: No, you definitely “played” her. We all saw it.
DM: …and won the intel on the one who commissioned her… A retired Wonderbolt named Wind Rider, who angrily admitted that he had paid the Guild to set this whole fix up to ensure “his” Gala invite didn’t go to an upstart.
Rainbow Dash: What a jerk. And an idiot, too. Who just admits it like that?
DM: Then Rainbow Dash beat him up, and you all kidnapped him. Your plan is, when the Competition is over, you’ll turn him and the book over to Celestia so her guards can interrogate him and unravel the whole ring. And I definitely don’t have a headache from having to pull all of this out of my rear end.
Applejack: Sounds about right.
Pinkie Pie: Three cheers for Streetwise!
Rainbow Dash: Wait. Did we ever actually… un-rig the Competition?
DM: Nope, you still have to do it.
Rainbow Dash: CRAP!
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