Page 758 - Fractal PaddingI wouldn’t call layered questing a bad thing in small doses, but it’s certainly a silly thing. You have to do a thing to get a thing to give to someone to get a thing to trade for a thing to do a thing. Par for the course in a long enough campaign, but it’s just always weird to be six layers deep and only then ask, “Wait… why are we doing this again?”I’m sure you all have plenty of stories for that sort of thing.
DM: Let me set the scene, then. It’s the next morning. The whole town’s come out, and the mayor has asked everyone to not speak more than a whisper. Then, from the east hills, a glimmering flock slowly drifts into Ponyville. They look like tiny ponies, all kinds of colors, with cute oversized antennae and gossamer wings. Even tinier saddlebags draped across their backs carry their precious pollen. The tiny beings float barely five meters above the heads of all the townsponies, gently drifting through town as everyone gasps and whispers excitedly. This, my little adventurers, is your opportunity. What do you do?
Applejack: Gosh, that actually sounds kinda pretty, for once. Nice job.
DM: Why thank you.
Rarity: Shame they have to get wrapped up in our political machinations.
Rainbow Dash: Oh, right, this is still about a Gala thing.
Twilight Sparkle: And eventually making Rarity a princess. …How did we go from that to this?
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