Page 622 - Ponyvillian DevilAnd then, sometimes, it’s up the DM to decide that for some reason, based on how their vision of the world works and how the dice have fallen, something even stranger than what the players devised is now going to occur.
DM: Rainbow Dash flies past Applejack. Roll Endurance to not get knocked over.
Applejack: <sigh> <roll> Uh, 15.
DM: O…kay. You barely manage to stay upright, but her grazing you has you spinning. Roll… Acrobatics to regain control?
Applejack: Sure. <roll> Woah! Another 15 total. Freaky. Ah’m guessin’ that’s better than nothin’ but not ideal. What happens now?
DM: Um… <roll> What happens is… Er… Well… Uh…
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