Page 620 - Stop Go Fast SlowWe’re coming up on the end of the arc, so I’m casually opening up submissions for guest comics within the next three and a half weeks. It’s going to be run like last time, where I also do another short comic-based arc, so I don’t have nearly as much demand for guest-based content to cover the break. I feel like that was a happy medium last time.
Rainbow Dash: Whatever, it’s not like it’s ever been hard to get back up to the front. The important thing is that AJ’s out of the way!
Pinkie Pie: Not so fast! I have an idea! What if Spike and I come by in our balloon and offer to help Applejack get back in the race?
Applejack: Really? That’d be mighty kind of you.
Pinkie Pie: Yeah! Why wouldn’t I? Just because you got completely wrecked by your fiercest rival reading you like an open book… That doesn’t mean I can’t lend you a flying rope in your time of need!
Applejack: …Yer a real friend, Pinkie.
Rainbow Dash: What?! Come on, I had you! Just give up already!
Applejack: Like I said at the start: You think no one can stand up to ya? Then I ain’t gonna make this easy.
Rainbow Dash: By constantly cheating? How’s that supposed to teach me to embrace competition?
Applejack: By giving you a challenge. Even if the game is a little different now…
DM: The racers enter a part of the Whitetail Woods where ponies in the region are collecting sap from the trees.
Applejack: Ha! Yer practically throwing distractions at us at this point.
DM: Can’t say I didn’t see this coming… Dash, roll to avoid the pool of sap that Applejack spilled.
Rainbow Dash: <roll>
DM: You are rooted in place.
Rainbow Dash: W-What?!
DM: The sap is super-sticky and bonds quickly.
Rainbow Dash: I’m a world-class runner! How the heck am I undone by tree sap?!
DM: Actually, certain tree resins are historically used as adhesives. Especially in this world, which for obvious reason doesn’t engage in the practice of…
Rainbow Dash: Forget it! Forget the history lesson! Just tell me how to get out of this! I’m not gonna have my masterclass mind game be one-upped by freaking cartoon glue!!
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