Page 612 - Fumbling the MicLet’s keep it simple. Any stories involving someone not being aware that a microphone or other type of broadcast equipment was still active, or otherwise not being aware that other people could hear them?
Pinkie Pie: But enough about the weather! Time to check in on our racers!
Spike: Yes, that. It looks like Applejack and Rainbow Dash are neck and neck as they break away from the pack! This race is turning out to be the final stage of a legendary rivalry between two of Ponyville’s top athletes, from the Iron Pony Competition to now!
Pinkie Pie: Yep! And with dibs on Hurricane’s tomb and a ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala at stake, you can be sure neither of them will be backing down!
Spike: Uh… Are you sure you should say that? Over loudspeaker?
Pinkie Pie: Sure! What’s the prob- Oh.
DM: The miscellaneous racers, having caught the gist of “winner gets a Gala ticket,” start to speed up in earnest.
Pinkie Pie: But it’s only for the PCs!
DM: To be fair, the context is kind of hard to explain.
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