Page 445 - Great Minds Think DifferentI’ll be moving across state lines today. But the comic shall continue regardless!So, the Fallout is Dragons podcast had some really unfortunate technical difficulties. All we could do was put together a recap of Session 11. But to compensate, I’ve put together a short side-story from the campaign and put it up on FiMFic. We’ve changed our recording method, so with any luck, this complete recording loss won’t ever happen again.
DM: Let’s get these tangents started. Rainbow Dash, you’re directed to a boot camp complex built on the peak of a mountain plateau a few miles away from Canterlot. Signs indicate that this is the Wonderbolt Academy. You’re given a trainee uniform so you don’t stand out against the regular recruits…
Rainbow Dash: Really? Okay…
DM: It seems they don’t want anyone asking questions about your presence just yet. You’re directed into a cloud-based office where a fiery-maned pegasus awaits you.
Spitfire: Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow Dash: Yep.
Spitfire: Captain Spitfire. What do you like?
Rainbow Dash: Hitting stuff. Loot.
Spitfire: Anything else?
Rainbow Dash: Not really.
Spitfire: Great. Works for me. I think that sets a new Academy record for “Fastest Interview Ever.”
Rainbow Dash: …Maybe a little too fast. I never thought I’d say this, but… I want to ask some questions.
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