Page 304 - Today I LearnedHow does that old poster saying go? “Everything I need to know, I learned from Dungeons and Dragons”?
DM: <roll> Fluttershy takes 8 damage and gets pushed 3 squares.
Fluttershy: Um… she’s right, you know. It’s kind of… careless to assume everyone’s had the same cultural exposure. Sometimes, people slip through the cracks. Like me and her.
DM: <roll> Dash and Twilight are subjected to the big dog’s combat challenge.
Rainbow Dash: Exactly! That’s no reason to get totally up in my face about it!
DM: 18 vs. Reflex? That’s a miss.
Applejack: <sigh> Yer right. Ah… got a little mean there. David Bowie ain’t that big a deal in hindsight. Ah’m sorry.
DM: <roll> Rainbow Dash takes 13 damage.
Rainbow Dash: …Apology accepted. No hard feelings, I guess.
DM: For the love of… The one time I want you to focus on combat, you learn a lesson about friendship instead. How is this my life?
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