Page 127 - Where There’s SmokeDragons create mixed reactions by their very nature. Either you’re elated to see one, or it’s about to ruin your day.
DM: You run the length of the road leading from your cottage to the outskirts of Ponyville. When you get there, the townsponies are just beginning to notice the smoke.
Fluttershy: Hey, everyone… um… There’s some smoke…
DM: Twilight arrives on the scene, standing atop a bridge to address the gathering of ponies.
Twilight Sparkle: Like we discussed, right?
DM: Yep.
Twilight Sparkle: <ahem> Listen up! I’ve just received a letter from Princess Celestia! She’s taken notice of the smoke and has just determined the cause.
Fluttershy: Well… it’s not coming from a fire, right? That’s good. We might be in trouble if it were a forest fire, or a fire in a neighboring village, or…
Twilight Sparkle: It’s coming from a dragon.
Rainbow Dash: OH YEAH! It’s dragon-slaying time!
Fluttershy: Oh no.
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