Page 95 - In the AftermathWhere does Trollestia/Tyrantlestia come from? Well…You’ve got the whole “I knew what would happen despite statements to the contrary” going on, which paints her as a Chessmaster at least. For one brief shot (panel 4), there is a moment where Celestia is very imposing and stern-looking towards her younger sister. And the entire time, Princess Luna is switching between panicking and cowering, avoiding eye contact at all costs.This is the first time we see the Princesses, and the messages are a little mixed.
Twilight Sparkle: So when you told me to make some friends, that was… literal?
Princess Celestia: Oh, Twilight… I wish I could have told you the complete truth. But you said it yourself: It takes a magic spark. You can’t force that to happen. Speaking of which…
DM: At the other end of the throne room, you see Nightmare Moon’s armor broken into pieces. Laying nearby is the barely conscious body of a smaller alicorn with a lighter blue mane.
Fluttershy: Oh. Oh dear.
Princess Celestia: Princess Luna. It has been a thousand years since I’ve seen you like this. It is time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to rule together, little sister.
Twilight Sparkle: Sister?!
Rainbow Dash: Wha- Oh GEEZ. Shoulda seen that coming.
DM: Campaign! Intro!
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