Page 88 - Too Much, Too EarlyStory time for the DMs out there!In the comments, tell a story about the DM having to make a quick, off-the-wall improvisation in response to something unexpected from the players.
DM: …aaaaaa- Okay. Okay, okay, okay. The Elements – what remains of them, the five scattered at Nightmare Moon’s hooves – begin to… glow. They float into the air and encircle each of the five ponies.
Pinkie Pie: Woohoo! Ultimate power incoming!
Applejack: So… she was right about how the Elements worked.
DM: Mmhmm.
Twilight Sparkle: YYYYYYYYES!
Rarity: …Don’t get comfortable yet, dear.
Applejack: The DM’s smiling.
Nightmare Moon: Well, well, well. I was considering letting you live, but… now it seems that’s a luxury I can’t afford.
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